diocese of Maine, Long Island and Massachusetts during that time. In 1877 he was president of the house of deputies." In 1866, he was elected to succeed his brother, the first bishop of Maine, but declined.
         When Dr. Burgess came to Christ Church, he found one of the most inspiring, if not one of the most difficult problems confronting him that a rector ever has to face. The seating capacity of the church was fast becoming too small for the number of persons to whom he must minister. The need of a new building was imperative. So Dr. Burgess' great work in Springfield was the building of the present Christ Church.
         It is interesting to note, in passing, that many who had attended services for so many years in the old church thought that it required a certain amount of courage to "climb that grade to the new church on the hill." To digress even further let us recall an evidence of Springfield's growth that of necessity influenced Christ Church, especially its attendance. In 1869, the city's first horse car jangled a successful trip over its iron rails from Hooker to Oak Street. "The car was filled with passengers and thousands of people stopped on the sidewalks to stare after the new fangled coach." It was put on runners in winter until 1876.
         To return to the church's problem. Everything pointed to its happy solution for the church was sound financially, and "there was a great deal of vigorous life in the Parish."
         Furthermore interest was not wholly parochial for parishioners today who were here in those days remember that they thought little of walking over to the "Church of the Good Shepherd" in West Springfield and helping with the afternoon service; for those who did not care to walk, a three-seated wagon left the Rectory each Sunday afternoon. It was a happy custom to teach in the Sunday School and to help with the music and the service in the other missions, where often there was only a Lay Reader. Two lovers, during the days of their engagement, were among these workers, and it was noted with sympathetic interest that with the joy of service was mingled


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This page was last updated on 27 Jul 2005