Tech Tiger

Technical High School, Springfield MA



Tech's Forum was organized in 1907 for the purpose of promoting sociability and encouraging public and debating among all the boys maintaining a "B" average or over in English. At the meetings after-dinner speeches and debates are given by the members. This semester the Forum put on a very interesting debate on "Whether or not West Springfield should be annexed to Springfield." A lively discussion was carried on by both parties, thereby showing the growing interest of the Forum in public matters.


First Semester

President, Carroll McQueen
Vice-President, Henry Frisbie
Secretary, Louis Duquette
Treasurer, Louis Duquette
Second Semester

President, George Colton
Vice-President, Henry Frisbie
Secretary, Louis Duquette
Treasurer, Louis Duquette

Faculty Advisers, Dr. Cockayne, Mr. Jones


Joseph Buckley
Stanley Bebler
Manuel Bozbeckian
George Colton
James Crowther
Louis Duquette
Tulili Francesconi
Henry Frisbie
James Kelley
Alfred Langlois
Carroll McQueen
Philip McDonald
Wolfred Nichols
Jack Piggott
Theodore Steele
Donald Stuart
John Westfall
Joseph Wesson

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