Tech Tiger

Technical High School, Springfield MA

Around School

Around School

       Harry Sample must be throwing his usual line of bunk. Anyway Bobby Chapman seems mighty interested. Harry is probably telling her how he once made a hole in par at the Longmeadow Country Club. Harry's chief fault, well it might be a fault, is that be likes Central or at least a part of it. He's dressed to the minute and good looking in the bargain. Barbara takes the cake for being the prettiest girl in the class of '30. That means something, too, for the class of '30 is not destitute of bathing beauties.

       Looks as if the class of '30, left a statue to adorn the entrance of Tech High But, no, it is Sam Chernick, class orator of '30, making a vigorous speech to an imaginary audience. Sam won the annual Tech oratorical contest with his speech on the Constitution and its relation to him. For a boy who had never been in an oratorical contest before, Sam, certainly, rose to the occasion and with his fiery speech won the day.

       Lo and behold! Ruth Lindquist and Eugene Shumski accompanied by a few of their books. Ruth Lindquist broke or at least equaled one endurance record while at Tech. She was on the honor roll every marking period. Shumski attained the honor roll regularly until the last semester. With the coming of spring he fell in love or something to that effect. After a brief courtship she told him to run along. This so affected his heart that his head has since refused to work. Maybe the new car had something to do with it.

       Illustrating the old adage, "Teamwork wins." These two sisters, Lillian and Carol Winchell, went through 'Tech arm in arm. They both won high honors in scholastics, though this wasn't the result of teamwork as They had a self established honor system which would not let one do the work of the other. Carol brought Tech into the limelight more than once as she was a student reporter for the Union.

       JUST two little girls taking a P. G. In this case, though, P. G. doesn't mean a postponed graduate, but rather a post graduate. Agnes Rawstron and Sylvia Putman loved Tech so dearly that when their class graduated they remained. Others remained also, but their purpose was not to take a P. G. Sylvia ended her career as a member of the class of '29 1/2, by winning the Warner Achievement Medal. Agnes is smiling, but Agnes always smiles.

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