be a man of talent, a classical scholar, a regular bred divine, and of first rate respectability and I could wish of the denomination called Episcopalian . . . The pay allowed to Chaplains by the Government with what sums may be obtained by subscriptions would give a gentleman of above description a very handsome support, say from $700 to $1000 per annum."          This ambition failed of complete fulfillment although help and encouragement came from another direction. In answer to a letter from Shubael Bell, Esq., of Boston, Colonel Lee wrote:

"Springfield, July 6th, 1818.

"Dear Sir:
         " . . . . I have no doubt the worthy gentleman you have recommended will answer our most sanguine expectations, but we shall not be fully prepared for him until about the first of September next, as we have a minister engaged half time until then. Some alteration is to be made in our room, and other arrangements are necessary. . . . We shall want a number of prayer books about which I will write you hereafter. R. L."

And again, "I have had permission to apply the house rents for the support of a Chaplain and schoolmaster as they do at Harper's Ferry, and hope ultimately to succeed in carrying it into complete effect. R. L."

The Government, however, never fulfilled this promise.
          On April 5, 1840, the Rev. Henry W. Lee, son of Colonel Lee, preached an historical sermon in Christ Church, which was published in the Christian Witness of that year. A file of this periodical was found (1927) in the Boston Public Library, and a copy of the sermon was procured, through the courtesy of that Institution. Excerpts from it illumine dimmed corners of the long ago. Mr. Lee said: "In 1820, a proposition was made to the friends of the church in Ware-House Point, Conn.


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