There is a group of Angels, apparently a reproduction of a painting by Giotto, or a contemporary, and a Head of the Savior from Da Vinci's "Last Supper." There is, too, a picture of the Savior standing quietly, in a dreary field of low, crude, bare crosses; this picture was given to Bishop Davies by a French Colonel, while he was in France, during the World War. On the walls, also, hangs an illuminated copy of the Lord's Prayer in English, and the Twenty-Third Psalm in Latin.
         The narrow, cramped walls are like those of certain ancient monasteries. The hinged seats let down, giving the worshippers more space, while standing. At the rear of the Oratory, there is a beautiful rood screen. The exquisitely carved Rood above, is the work of Mr. I Kirchmayer. The original purpose of a rood screen was to shut within only those who conducted the service, the congregation to remain without. Near the door of the rood screen is a font, carved and cut from a solid block of stone. This is covered when not in use. Over the door, leading from the Oratory to the entrance hall, is a very fine reproduction in color of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper." Over the sacristy door at the left of this hall, are the pictures of the bishops of Massachusetts. On the wall of the little entrance hall is a set of sweet toned tubular chimes, which is sued to summon the household to worship and little wood carvings of winged cherubs nestling in each upper corner add a touch of pleasing beauty.
         A love of the beautiful, sympathetic feeling for the decorative value of an etching, a painting, or a choice bit of old carving, has helped make very lovely this little house of God. - S.H.F.


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This page was last updated on 27 Jul 2005