began her duties as Parish Visitor at this time. Throughout the summer of 1912 Miss Ethel Spencer while on a leave of absence from the mission field of Japan, with "fine tact and devotion," filled the office of Parish Visitor. Another real need was met by the publishing of a monthly parish paper, the "Christ Church Chronicle." This paper, with the exception of a short period during the war, has had a continuous existence to the present day.
         By an interesting coincidence, Dr. Slattery assumed charge of Christ Church sixty-nine years to a day after Bishop Lee had organized the Parish. The following year, in November, 1908, the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the church was celebrated. On Sunday, November 29, 1908, a thank-offering of over $19,000 was given. An augmented choir of over ninety voices led the music of the service and Dr. Slattery preached an inspiring sermon entitled "Seventy Years," making very real the unselfish love, work, and zeal of former members of Christ Church, and expressed faith in an even more glorious future. A glad note of praise and thanksgiving was sustained throughout the week of prayer that followed.
         The thank-offering made possible the cancelling of the church debt, payment in full for the building of a new rectory, and the renovation of the interior of the church, which work was done, in the summer of 1909, when the congregation worshipped in the Chapel. The old frescoed, bordered walls were covered with paint of a neutral tint, which brought out in pleasing relief the decorative exposed beams of side walls and ceiling, and the exquisite coloring of the stained glass windows. The carpeted floors of the pews were replaced with those of oak, with marble aisles. The chandeliers and side-lights of the seventies were taken out. Modern wrought-iron lanterns of artistic design and fine workmanship were hung by strong chains from the hammer beams, and harmonizing in design and color with them, new fixtures replaced the older sidelights. These were the gifts of Mr. Henry H. Skinner.
         Two other adornments were added to the church building


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